health at every size eating disorder therapy

What does it mean working with a Health At Every Size and Anti-Diet provider?

To understand more about Health At Every Size check out The Association For Size Diversity and Health.

In a nutshell, HAES is about not determining one’s health based on the size of their body. People come in all body sizes from small to ultra fat. 

As an anti-diet provider, I do not work under the guidelines of intentional weight loss, labeling foods as healthy or unhealthy. I see that all body sizes are good bodies as well as an all foods fit philosophy.

It is perfectly okay if you have not ditched diet culture or even sure you want to give up the world of dieting. I get it because I have been there myself. I was put on my first diet when I was nine years old and spent a majority of my young life struggling with societies’ expectations of what my body should look like. Believe me, it can be terrifying letting go of calorie counting, excessive exercising, and allowing your body take up the space it was meant to take up- which could mean being larger than the body you are in now.

Working with me, we will explore the messages around your body and food, the beliefs you still uphold, and learn about how leaving the diet world behind might be more freeing than the cycle of abuse you are in now. I want you to live your life to the fullest without being a slave to the scale.